The New and Improved Holley Sniper 2 EFI Selt-Tuning Conversion Kit

When Holley introduced the Sniper EFI conversion kit in 2015, it was a game changer for performance car customization. In the years since, support for it has expanded to cover many popular classic vehicles, and the second generation of the Holley Sniper EFI takes things even further, providing ways to customize your installation beyond the scope of what its predecessor could handle.

Choose Your Screen

The original Sniper EFI came with a 3.5-inch screen to facilitate interacting with it and changing its customizable settings. The new Sniper 2 design is modular, allowing you to choose the classic screen, a 5-inch option, or even a Bluetooth connection that lets you use a mobile device as the screen for your EFI system, giving you better visibility while you make changes. It also has a dash mount for the handheld screen, allowing you to control everything from the driver’s seat.

Fuel Pumps, Tanks, and More

Modules that connect directly to the Sniper 2 system to change its performance are just one part of the way the whole thing comes together to make upgrades easy. There are also fuel tanks and pumps specifically designed to work with Sniper 2 conversions on different vehicles. Set yourself up with the right SBC EFI intake and the fuel injector size you need easily by consulting Holley’s compatibility list for the full accounting of over 200 add-on components for your new Sniper 2.

Adjust Easily To New Upgrades

Holley has been incredibly responsive to the community when it comes to expanding support for the Sniper system and making the Sniper 2 easier to customize. That has the side effect of setting you up for easy upgrades in the future, too. Not only can you find what you need for your current setup, the wide support means you should have no trouble finding the additional parts you need to keep up with your engine when you order a cam and lifter kit in the future.

Even a full engine replacement with a short block and new cam is easy to manage with a Sniper 2 in place. You’ll always need to change out parts to stay compatible when you make those big upgrades, but with the Sniper 2 you can count on your EFI conversion kit to make it easy on you.

Find Your Next Big Upgrade

If you know what you need from the Holley Sniper 2, it’s easy to set yourself up for a fast plug and play installation. You can order everything together to make the setup a breeze and let the automatic tuning do the hard work of getting things adjusted, but then what? With every big upgrade to your power output, there comes new challenges to your handling.

Check out your options for upgrades that help you harness your new power, and see what adding racing brakes or drag tires can do to make sure your performance increases as much as your power output. Start looking now so you can order what you need for improved handling along with your new Sniper 2 kit so you can put it all together on the same day.

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