10 mistakes we do in pmp questions and answers


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As a PMP (Project Management Professional) trainer, I’ve seen countless individuals struggle with PMP exam questions and answers. Often, the mistakes made are not due to a lack of knowledge but rather a misunderstanding of how to approach the questions effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the top 10 mistakes aspiring PMPs make when tackling exam questions and provide actionable solutions to help you avoid them.

  • Misinterpreting the Question:

One of the most common mistakes is misinterpreting the question itself. PMP exam questions can be complex, with multiple layers of meaning. Take your time to read the question carefully, ensuring you understand what is being asked before attempting to answer.

  • Failing to Identify Key Concepts:

PMP questions are designed to test your understanding of key project management concepts. Failing to identify these concepts within the question can lead to incorrect answers. Before answering, take a moment to identify the underlying principles being tested.

  • Overcomplicating the Answer:

Some questions may appear complex, leading candidates to overthink their answers. Remember to keep your responses clear and concise. Avoid adding unnecessary details or overcomplicating the answer.

  • Ignoring the Process Groups and Knowledge Areas:

The PMP exam is based on five process groups and ten knowledge areas outlined in the PMP Exam Content Outline. Each question is categorized according to these areas. Ignoring them can lead to confusion and incorrect answers. Familiarize yourself with the process groups and knowledge areas to better understand how questions are structured.

  • Skipping Practice Questions:

Practice makes perfect, especially when it comes to PMP exam questions. Many candidates make the mistake of not dedicating enough time to practice questions. Set aside time each day to answer practice questions, focusing on areas where you may be weaker.

  • Not Managing Time Effectively:

Time management is crucial during the PMP exam. Some candidates spend too much time on difficult questions, leaving themselves with insufficient time to answer the remaining ones. Practice pacing yourself during practice exams to ensure you can complete the test within the allotted time.

  • Memorizing Instead of Understanding:

While memorization can be helpful, it should not be the sole focus of your study approach. Understanding the underlying concepts is essential for successfully answering PMP exam questions. Focus on comprehension rather than rote memorization.

  • Disregarding the Exam Format:

The PMP exam format can influence how questions are presented and answered. Familiarize yourself with the exam format, including the types of questions you can expect (multiple choice, situational, etc.), to better prepare for the test day.

  • Neglecting to Review and Learn from Mistakes:

After completing PMP practice questions, many candidates neglect to review their answers and learn from their mistakes. Take the time to analyze incorrect responses, understanding why you answered the way you did and how you can improve in the future.


Mastering PMP exam questions and answers requires more than just knowledge of project management principles. By avoiding these common mistakes and implementing effective study strategies, you can increase your chances of success on exam day. Remember to stay focused, practice regularly, and approach each question with a clear understanding of what is being asked. With dedication and perseverance, you can achieve your goal of becoming a certified Project Management Professional.

Author: Axiswebart team has 6+ years of experience in writing content on Project Management topics and along with different publications. Also, they are delivering good write-ups on various other projects too.

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