Top 5 Benefits for Quad Seal Pouches

Quad seal pouches offer a number of benefits as packaging for consumable products. Flexible packaging with four sealed edges is available in a variety of materials and sizes. Find out more about the top five benefits of custom quad seal bag design.


Value for cost is the top benefit of quad seal pouches. This flexible packaging can be cost-efficient throughout the product life cycle, from design and production through filling, distribution, sale and use. Less material is necessary to make flexible packaging than rigid containers made of plastic, metal or glass, and the cost per package tends to be lower. 

It is also worth noting that pouches weigh less than containers and take up less space during distribution. The availability of features such as barrier films and tin ties for quad seal pouches enable consumers to maintain the freshness of contents for longer.

Environmental Benefits

The second benefit of quad sealed pouches expands on the efficiency of this type of packaging during distribution. As flexible materials require less space and weigh less than rigid containers, choosing pouch packaging leads to less emissions and more environmental benefits.

Your brand can choose to use packaging made with post-consumer recycled films. It is also possible to select materials that customers can recycle through store drop-off or select multi-stream curbside recycling programs.

Durable Structure

Durability is the third benefit of quad seal pouches to consider. Four sealed edges reinforce this type of packaging to protect contents from damage, prevent loss and reduce waste.

These pouches can stand up to manual or automated filling and sealing as well as handling during distribution, unpacking and stocking. Your brand can count on quad seal pouches to continue to preserve the quality of contents throughout purchase, storage and use.

Shelf Visibility

The fourth benefit of quad seal pouches is visibility. This packaging is easier to see on shelves than flexible packaging designed to lay flat. Consumers can easily spot printed film packaging in a retail environment or on a product page in an online marketplace.

In addition to having a prominent shelf presence, consumers can see and feel that products in these pouches are well-packaged. Choosing quad seal pouches can communicate that your brand’s products are more likely to be fresh and of high quality than similar products in less visibly protective packaging.

Custom Design

The fifth benefit of quad seal pouches is that your brand can fully customize the composition and size of this packaging as well as the visual design. When you choose a material such as Mylar packaging that functions as a barrier, you can count on packaging to protect products from exposure to air or moisture while also providing a premium look and feel.

Quad seal bags primarily stand out for having the structural integrity to support a wider range of products than less structured stand up pouches. Contact an all-in-one packaging design, manufacturing and digital printing provider to determine whether quad seal pouches are the best option for protecting your products and increasing the visibility of your brand.

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