Asbestos exposure poses significant health risks and can result in mesothelioma – an aggressive cancer that typically forms in the lungs or abdomen. If you suspect you’ve been exposed to this toxic material, it’s critical to take immediate action to protect your health.
Here’s what you need to do if you believe you’ve been exposed.
1. See a specialist if you have symptoms
Getting immediate medical care is essential. However, if you suspect your symptoms are connected to asbestos exposure, a general physician is highly unlikely to know. That’s because mesothelioma symptoms present identically to that of common respiratory ailments. If you see your regular doctor, and you do have mesothelioma, there’s a good chance you’ll be misdiagnosed.
For example, pleural mesothelioma is often misdiagnosed as bronchitis or pneumonia. Compared to general physicians, specialists can more easily identify symptoms because they have the experience required to see the subtle signs.
The sooner you get a full medical evaluation from a specialist, the better. They’ll perform all the necessary diagnostic tests to see what’s going on with your situation. From there, if you do have mesothelioma, they’ll discuss appropriate intervention and treatment strategies.
2. Document your exposure
Regardless of where or when you were exposed, document all the details. Exposure doesn’t need to be recent to qualify for a lawsuit if that’s the path you’re taking. However, you will need to identify a party to hold legally responsible.
Write down all the relevant details, including the time, location, and manner of exposure, and document all your related symptoms as far back as you can remember.
3. File a lawsuit
There have already been hundreds of lawsuits filed against manufacturers who use asbestos in their products with verdicts in the millions. From building materials to Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder, lawyers are winning these cases. If you’ve thought about filing a lawsuit, it’s not too late to get a consultation with a local attorney to see where your case stands.
Keep in mind that many states have laws in place that limit your ability to recover workers’ compensation for asbestos exposure. Even if you can file a claim, you’ll never get a decent payout. That’s why you should consider filing a lawsuit. While there’s no guarantee you’ll win your case, compensation tends to be much higher.
4. Inform your employer
Employers are required to provide a safe working environment and address hazards promptly, but since asbestos isn’t federally banned, the requirements your employer must follow will depend on state laws.
If you’ve been exposed to asbestos at work, whether or not your boss is aware of it, notify them in writing just like you would report exposure to any other type of chemical. Even if it doesn’t make a difference in your ability to file a workers’ comp claim, it could become important evidence in a lawsuit. For instance, filing your report will establish that you informed your employer about the problem. If they choose to ignore the issue, that could help you win compensation. Otherwise, it’s just your word against theirs.
In the meantime, avoid areas or materials you suspect contain asbestos. For instance, if you’re working on a construction project to demolish a building full of asbestos, and your boss won’t supply you with proper PPE, don’t continue working on that project. Your health isn’t worth the risk.
5. Move to a new house
Do whatever it takes to avoid additional exposure, even if that means moving into a new house. For example, if you’ve just discovered your home is full of materials made with asbestos, it might be easier (and cheaper) to move than to have it removed by a licensed professional. It depends on how long you’ve owned your home, if the mortgage is paid off, and what your budget is for renovations. It’s always better to err on the side of caution where your health is concerned.
6. Consider a career change
If you’ve been exposed to asbestos because of your career, that’s a good reason to switch careers. It’s unfortunate if you love what you do or get paid well, but your health is worth more than a paycheck.
Take action now and keep monitoring your health
Time is urgent when you’re dealing with asbestos exposure, so don’t hesitate to see a doctor and remove yourself from dangerous situations to manage your risk. Even if your symptoms feel minor, don’t wait – being proactive about your health is the best path forward.