7 Reasons to File a Lawsuit After a Truck Accident

A collision with a commercial truck often results in severe damage that can extend beyond the immediate impact. While insurance claims typically address some basic damages, filing a lawsuit is often crucial for securing the financial compensation you deserve.

Truck accidents are surprisingly common. In 2022, there were 5,837 large trucks involved in fatal crashes – a number that has been rising for many years. If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, consider the following reasons to pursue legal action.

1. Medical bills pile up fast

The average cost of a single hospital stay, based on a 4.6 day average, is $13,262, and insurance doesn’t always cover the cost. That’s a lot to pay out of pocket, even if it’s only half that much. Many healthcare plans don’t offer overnight stays, and insurance companies are notorious for denying claims they deem are not “medically necessary.”

When your medical bills are piling up, you only have two choices: pay them or not. If you choose not to pay them, they’ll go to collections and will eventually be reported to the credit bureaus. When you file a personal injury lawsuit against the person responsible for your injuries, their insurance company will be required to foot the bill, whether it’s done through a settlement or jury trial.

2. Only a lawsuit can get you fully compensated

If you’re wondering why you should file a lawsuit instead of just taking an offer directly from the at-fault party’s insurance company, here’s why: their insurance company will lowball your offer, hoping you’ll settle for scraps and go away.

The insurance company will only consider physical damages and medical bills, not lost wages, pain and suffering, or any other form of compensation. This can severely limit your access to compensation. When you hire a personal injury attorney to file a lawsuit, they can recover all the compensation you’re entitled to receive.

3. You deserve compensation

The fact that you were injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault is the reason you deserve to be financially compensated. It doesn’t matter how severe your injuries are – you deserve compensation.

Sometimes an injury may not appear too severe, but it can take months of therapy to recover. For example, your injury may start as minor back pain, but persist for months or years. Chronic back pain may not seem as severe as a severed limb, but it’s pain you’ll have to live with every day, potentially forever. Some people never recover from back pain caused by a car accident. If you’ve been injured in any way, you deserve compensation.

4. Household bills need to be paid

If you’ve got household bills piling up, it’s time to file a lawsuit. If your bills are stacking up because you can’t work, or you’ve taken too much time off and your savings account is depleted, a lawsuit is your only chance at paying those bills. However, act fast because you won’t get paid right away. It can take time for your case to be heard, and you probably won’t walk away with a check the same day.

5. You’re unable to work

Whether you’re unable to work for a short or long period of time, or you’ve been permanently disabled, that’s reason enough to file a lawsuit. Being out of work can get expensive. Even if you’re on disability, the payouts are never anywhere near a normal salary. Suing the person at fault for your injuries is the only way to recover adequate financial compensation.

6. The at-fault driver should be held accountable

It stands to reason that the person who caused your injuries should be held accountable for their actions. Whether they were distracted, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or something else was going on, they need to be held legally responsible for their actions and the damage they’ve caused.

If you don’t file a lawsuit, the truck driver might end up hurting or even killing someone else later on. Most likely, when you sue them, they’ll lose their commercial truck driver’s license, which means they won’t be able to get behind the wheel again or put anyone else’s life at risk.

7. The trucking company will be held responsible

Holding the trucking company legally responsible can lead to policy changes and improved safety protocols. Lawsuits frequently force policy changes for trucking companies.

Protect your rights with legal action

Filing a personal injury lawsuit after a truck accident isn’t just about money; it’s about accountability. All in all, a lawsuit can give you the resources needed to recover while addressing safety issues that can prevent future accidents.

Read Also: Steps to Take for Justice and Recovery

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